Category: Retro

Dell Latitude CP-i A series & NeoMagic 2200 MIDI Woes

Hello lovelies! After finding a Dell Pentium II Laptop at a Talize store, I proceeded to order a power supply for it so I could start playing with it. First thing I did, was replace its internal hard drive with another one of mine, and completely wiping the one it came with ( I don’t…

Reviving the CF-41 (Part 1)

A good friend of mine gave me a 486 laptop to play around with. I’ve been hunting these bad boys down to make myself a half decent DOS game machine. I ended up with a CF-41 from Panasonic A.K.A. The ‘Toughbook’. Nice little machine, from what I can tell in Windows 95 (Came pre-installed) it…